Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lesson 1 and 2 Reflection

After reading the instructor feedback from lesson 1(essay) and 2(resume) is easy to understand how to work with page setup, punctuation and MLA format. The mistakes during learning process are welcome. Having experience writing in a foreign language is helpful while composing the essay, but is not pleasant when confronting to broad ideas, and an ongoing struggle with the English proficiency. Is impossible to denied the frustration, to feel stuck while comparing the corrections with the original draft.

Is not to funny to face our own weaknesses, specially by being Latin we are so stubborn, we are raised with the mentality to do everything perfect, pride is our enemy and is very hard to accept that is not healthy to believe so ."Cultural Stress" here we go.

At the end of the day is better that somehow the errors are made, and someone can let us know about it. Is a great feeling having the opportunity of a personal growth learning from writing experiences, and the reward of knowing that we are actually learning ...the beauty of writing and self achievement.
