Monday, July 5, 2010

Lesson 3: How does one demonstrate his or her belief in an opinion?

We are willing to share an idea, belief or personal opinion, they are all different ideas, hence we gather extra information, facts, and evidences to support our claim. Usually we go to library, the Internet or simply ask others who have deep knowledge in regard our thesis. In the process we found pictures, recordings, and even similar claims to tell others what we have in mind, and we also find out that these findings differs from our thinking. Now is time to figure out how we are going to present this idea, and choose which of the findings fits with the tone of our claim, then we can perform some edition until we are satisfy with the final result.
After reading chapter one of Writing Arguments is easy to explain this in my own words. I am more visual and greatly imaginative person and I though this way will be also entertaining for the readers since I mixed my post with some brain stimulation to make less boring the reading process.

How does one demonstrate his or her belief in an opinion?
Instead of he or she lets use a universal view of this question turning my answer focused as a group of individuals.
Let’s explore this through an example and exercise that can be shared if you wish.

1.-Lets imagine that we are a small company with some years in the market that builds well recognition and acceptance from the regular customers. (I choose multi-age daycare)

2.-We want to expand our clientele by the presentation of a new product.(In this case my new product is some creative curriculum based on my college education that will be greatly appreciated for the parents knowing their children will development some life skills and pre-academics aside of a fun play-day)

3.-We use as a source our current clientele to gather new information that can be relevant for our Marketing Strategies and Advertisement. (Most of our parents share the concern about their children development, and the lack of time to do some stimulation at home after work, and they wonder if is possible to have some quality service for the children into the same budget if possible)

4.-Previously our professional engineers been working in a new presentation for one of the favorite products of our company and we do some testing’s, and give free samples just to record the reactions of new possible costumers.(As the owner of this home-business and parent of developmentally delayed children I empathize with the clientele and start making some questioranies to gather what they will like to have if this new changes occurs as additional services and if they are willing to pay a minimal fraction for this arrangements, and I also invest time visiting some educational programs and pre-k, and special ed classes and interview teachers to visualize the mechanics and also gather opinion about my plan to add some curriculum in the daily activities of my daycare)

5.-Once we have all the results from all this investigation we decide the design of the final product, the Advertisement strategy to persuade the target, and how much will be invested to make possible the public announcement through media.(I do have all positive feedback from my clients and with the extra information, add some services in my daycare with a minimal 10% total to afford extra educational material and elaborate a lesson plan for each day, create some fliers, afford a small advertise in the radio and request permission to the preschool directors of programs and special ed classes to leave some pamphlets for the mothers who will like to have a quality service after class.)

It might seem out of context the usage of this example to explain how writing argument works. We just have to worry about some effective communication through revision of grammar, common sense, and fluency in the whole message specially as writing. The process has the same basis, the goal is introduction of novelty or enhance old criteria, and the result varies in the tone of the presentation of our claim. Is all about communication and how we delivered. We can be versatile and creative is just about to put our skills on practice and add some extras while working on it.


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Hello i will love to know what it is in your mind, do you agree or disagree with my posts. Is all a learning process for me, all comments are more than welcome. Have Blessed Day