Monday, September 13, 2010

Lesson 15: The Final Word

The Instructor asked me to write a business letter and post it here.

I choose to write this letter to the Program Director where I work at. The Resume did not fit here, So I hope This is the result of my work with the help of my dear Doris:

Fairbanks Native Association, Head Start
Mailing Address: 605 Hughes Avenue, Suite 100,
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Physical Address: 320 Second Avenue
Phone: (907) 456-4989

September 11, 2010

Mary Willey
Head Start Program Director
320 Second Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99701

Dear Mrs. Willey:

I am writing to you as part of a requirement for my English Class. Enclosed is a copy of my resume that details my academic qualifications and practical experience. This letter has the informational purpose of describing my accomplishments during my educational career.

As I have mentioned, I am currently enrolled in an English Class. It has been very challenging for me, as English is my second language. I have learned how to write outlines, reports, and business letters. In the coming semester I am taking Positive Social Development, Child Development, Inclusion of Children with Special Needs, and Screening, Assessment and Recording. I am close to completing my A.S.S in Early Childhood Education, and my aspiration is to continue until I earn my Bachelors’ Degree in Child Development and Family Services.

Working in FNA Head Start has opened many doors that have been part of my educational goals.
Thank you, Mrs. Willey, for sharing your experience, and your passion for the Program. The personal conversations that we have had have allowed me to value even more the strengths and weaknesses I have. I truly appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the Head Start Program. It has been one of the better experiences of my whole life. A new year as an Assistant Teacher start I am sure that new challenges and rewards will come.

I hope that you will see the effects of my education in enhancing my capability as an employee serving the children and their families in the Fairbanks Community

It is a pleasure to be part of this FNA Head Start Family.


Erika P. Acevedo
Assistant Teacher, PM2


This is my resume. I was not able to published without losing its margin properties, so I decide to perform a screen capture and upload it as a PNG file.

The business letter as my last works from lesson 14 and 15 have been carefully revised with my friend Doris who is a very smart lady. She have experience in business writing. She is a Business Lady.

I am happy =), tired, and excited. I know my blog is not the best but is me, who I am.

Thank you all who read my post, and Romina for the opportunity of keep working with me to complete this course.

God Bless you all =)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What I wish I have done differently while working in my paper?

I wish I have better organizational skills to complete my task on time, and to have some one's support at home in those moments when the sensation of failure embrace me.
I wish I have more confidence to let my thought flow without the fear of being criticize.
I wish I asked someone from the beginning to the class to help me reading my papers when I knew that the writing center was not in my choices while working in my paper because my busy lifestyle.
And finally I wish to take this class before, because it was one of the better experiences that put me trough many experiences that build up not only my writing skills as ESL student but also show me that challenges have lots of positives than negatives, and that all the effort, tears, and struggle have a wonderful rewards when the course is over and the grade is good as you deserve it.
Thank you all the people who do not let me go down hill and cheer me up when I was about to giving up myself. God Bless you all.

I Can Believe I am Almost Done yayyyy

I am so happy that this class is getting close to the end for me. My instructor give so much support and encouragement each time I was feeling stuck, hopeless, and quite dumb, she plays important part to avoid any idea of giving up. To be honest, every time I send an assignment my nerves abandoned me but the feedbacks were always helpful to me.
When the lesson became even more challenging for this ESL Adult Who struggle with English (hehehe), I decide to use it as my final essay. What a great and rich experience to use as the blueprint of my research work. However, having the difficulties with the language it is not the end of my obstacles. I have had to figure out how to do all my papers, take care of my developmentally delayed twins, my professional enhancement, work trainings, and fighting against emotional-mental up’s and down’s. My instructor understand my strengths and weaknesses while writing a paper, she told me that not only ESL students fails in writing a paper. Many Native Speakers also have problems writing a paper. The date to complete the course was August 6, and here I am all devastated and having a panic attack because of the fear of loosing my grant that is paying for my schooling. All of the sudden the world was grounding me into a fine powder, and nothing could help me to feel better at that moment except for my babies.

I cried so many times when my schedule did not allow me to visit the Writing Center then, I find couple classmates who offer their help to read my papers, and one family member from my ex side offers help also. My instructors name is Romina =). She told me that I can apply for an Incomplete that will give me an extension to complete my course. At that moment everything came back to normal, so I start serious changes in my life that were bothering me.
Cherie is the name of my classmate who after an awful accident still helping me in couple assignments. I stop asking as soon she comments that she wasn’t feeling really well so why bother. The other person’s name is Doris, she is my friend since I married my babies’ daddy, and she is an excellent professional, I remember she helped me with a paper long time ago. I did not ask her from the beginning of the course because she was working driving one of the Princess Hotel Tourist Bus around as needed, and I developed an ugly anxiety that goes along with my impatience.
Doris is been there when I felt down, cried, achieve, and pursue any dream since I moved here in Alaska. She can be deadly honest, but she is not rude at all. It helps me so much in many ways. I can say that she trains me to digest and accept positive criticism without getting into victim mode. Sound quite dramatic but heck that’s my life and I am darn proud of my stubbornness and dedication when I choose something especially when that something is to better myself in all aspects of my life.
The funny part is that Doris started to help my with this Academic Writing class exactly in the process of lesson 11 ha ha. But is never later I need her in this last lesson badly, because they are the finals and hardest for me as writer. I am confident that the paper will turn out just perfect at least for me. I am aware even with Doris assistance, my paper will not be 100% the best, and I only want a good grade and the satisfaction of completing my course before September 13.
Whoever is reading my post might say; why is she thinking that we care about all this personal details? TMI. My answer to this question is that I am following my thoughts and emotions to be who I am, to write and say what I feel, and to feel get what I want. Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog. Is your as my blog title said is to be in touch with the world not to presume be the best of the best. I am just a simple person sharing learning experiences through my college class that feed my personal life with outstanding outcomes.
Friday, September 10, 2010

Lesson 12 MLA Exercises

My instructor requested to do some plagiarism exercises since we are so close to the end of this course.
I fail by reading too fast, and impatient, then I read carefully and my score were 100% both.
this is my scores.

I have learned once again my impatience is my worse enemy; otherwise, I did just fine and also without excuses I did learn more with this exercises that let me see what i shouldn't do in my papers =0)
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lesson 11: My Experience summaring the readings.

When I elaborated my first annotated bibliography, I ignored some sources because the length of them. I never thought that they actually are the best sources I ever read for my personal benefit; and my paper at the same time. My thesis is focused in the ESL student point of view; however, after studying this extends documents I realize that the teachers also learn, and go through a lot of work that will reflect in their dynamics in class. Once I complete my reading, I start my writing work. I went back to study in detail what I have done before sending my homework at Blackboard. And I will like to share what I find out.First the thesis; I believe that my original thesis is very large for the pro‘s and con‘s because clauses: Many immigrants who come with a dream to become self-sufficient might be able to attend college classes; however, this stage of their life can be harsh and bitter as an ESL student. Taking classes to earn a specific degree plus English itself have been delaying due dates for important assignments that generate stress and frustration. In addition, some other ESL might not been so dedicated and expect the instructor to do their assignments with the premise of not knowing how to put it on writing, and other students who really need the help might be neglected. Next, I brain storm, review and edit many times and this also helps me to simplify the content of my writing resulting what I believe is a more concise thesis for this type of outline: Many immigrants who attend college as an ESL student are in a learning stage of their life that may or may not result constructive… (Then I wrote the pro’s and con’s because clauses.) I am not saying that I change my mind of what I wrote as thesis. To be honest if someone else beside my friend were reading my paper with this long thesis for an outline, is possible to get confuse and wonder what I really meant with in this large paragraph. I might have errors in the wording or structure of the paper but I will only know as soon as the instructor sends back to me the feedback of lesson 11; hopefully, will be fine. Finally I found out that I miss one piece to the lesson the summaries. GREAT HUH!
What I was thinking? This lesson is all about summaries and I let myself stress out to the point of forgetting about it. Actually I send it to my instructor, and I wonder what the score would be? Is very important to be organized and try your best to stick with the planning and goal of the class. The closest to the end of it, the worse get your stress, worries. I am trying my best to not let these emotions to take over me because if I lose control of them I will end doing nothing but failing by neglecting my assignments, is best to have some sort of grade than a C for not showing any effort.