Monday, September 13, 2010

Lesson 15: The Final Word

The Instructor asked me to write a business letter and post it here.

I choose to write this letter to the Program Director where I work at. The Resume did not fit here, So I hope This is the result of my work with the help of my dear Doris:

Fairbanks Native Association, Head Start
Mailing Address: 605 Hughes Avenue, Suite 100,
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Physical Address: 320 Second Avenue
Phone: (907) 456-4989

September 11, 2010

Mary Willey
Head Start Program Director
320 Second Avenue
Fairbanks, AK 99701

Dear Mrs. Willey:

I am writing to you as part of a requirement for my English Class. Enclosed is a copy of my resume that details my academic qualifications and practical experience. This letter has the informational purpose of describing my accomplishments during my educational career.

As I have mentioned, I am currently enrolled in an English Class. It has been very challenging for me, as English is my second language. I have learned how to write outlines, reports, and business letters. In the coming semester I am taking Positive Social Development, Child Development, Inclusion of Children with Special Needs, and Screening, Assessment and Recording. I am close to completing my A.S.S in Early Childhood Education, and my aspiration is to continue until I earn my Bachelors’ Degree in Child Development and Family Services.

Working in FNA Head Start has opened many doors that have been part of my educational goals.
Thank you, Mrs. Willey, for sharing your experience, and your passion for the Program. The personal conversations that we have had have allowed me to value even more the strengths and weaknesses I have. I truly appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the Head Start Program. It has been one of the better experiences of my whole life. A new year as an Assistant Teacher start I am sure that new challenges and rewards will come.

I hope that you will see the effects of my education in enhancing my capability as an employee serving the children and their families in the Fairbanks Community

It is a pleasure to be part of this FNA Head Start Family.


Erika P. Acevedo
Assistant Teacher, PM2


This is my resume. I was not able to published without losing its margin properties, so I decide to perform a screen capture and upload it as a PNG file.

The business letter as my last works from lesson 14 and 15 have been carefully revised with my friend Doris who is a very smart lady. She have experience in business writing. She is a Business Lady.

I am happy =), tired, and excited. I know my blog is not the best but is me, who I am.

Thank you all who read my post, and Romina for the opportunity of keep working with me to complete this course.

God Bless you all =)



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Hello i will love to know what it is in your mind, do you agree or disagree with my posts. Is all a learning process for me, all comments are more than welcome. Have Blessed Day