Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lesson 11: My Experience summaring the readings.

When I elaborated my first annotated bibliography, I ignored some sources because the length of them. I never thought that they actually are the best sources I ever read for my personal benefit; and my paper at the same time. My thesis is focused in the ESL student point of view; however, after studying this extends documents I realize that the teachers also learn, and go through a lot of work that will reflect in their dynamics in class. Once I complete my reading, I start my writing work. I went back to study in detail what I have done before sending my homework at Blackboard. And I will like to share what I find out.First the thesis; I believe that my original thesis is very large for the pro‘s and con‘s because clauses: Many immigrants who come with a dream to become self-sufficient might be able to attend college classes; however, this stage of their life can be harsh and bitter as an ESL student. Taking classes to earn a specific degree plus English itself have been delaying due dates for important assignments that generate stress and frustration. In addition, some other ESL might not been so dedicated and expect the instructor to do their assignments with the premise of not knowing how to put it on writing, and other students who really need the help might be neglected. Next, I brain storm, review and edit many times and this also helps me to simplify the content of my writing resulting what I believe is a more concise thesis for this type of outline: Many immigrants who attend college as an ESL student are in a learning stage of their life that may or may not result constructive… (Then I wrote the pro’s and con’s because clauses.) I am not saying that I change my mind of what I wrote as thesis. To be honest if someone else beside my friend were reading my paper with this long thesis for an outline, is possible to get confuse and wonder what I really meant with in this large paragraph. I might have errors in the wording or structure of the paper but I will only know as soon as the instructor sends back to me the feedback of lesson 11; hopefully, will be fine. Finally I found out that I miss one piece to the lesson the summaries. GREAT HUH!
What I was thinking? This lesson is all about summaries and I let myself stress out to the point of forgetting about it. Actually I send it to my instructor, and I wonder what the score would be? Is very important to be organized and try your best to stick with the planning and goal of the class. The closest to the end of it, the worse get your stress, worries. I am trying my best to not let these emotions to take over me because if I lose control of them I will end doing nothing but failing by neglecting my assignments, is best to have some sort of grade than a C for not showing any effort.


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Hello i will love to know what it is in your mind, do you agree or disagree with my posts. Is all a learning process for me, all comments are more than welcome. Have Blessed Day