Friday, August 6, 2010

Find another graphic and write a response.

The Instructor asks to find another graphic, commercial, or video to analyze. I search online and found Political Cartoons of the Week A Roundup of the Week's Best Political Cartoons By Daniel Kurtzman, Guide (Cartoons for the Week of July 25-31, 2010Copyright © 2010 Universal Press Syndicate). Bennett shows how skin color can build misconceptions about Arizona population regarding legal status. Even though, many cases of illegal immigrates nationwide is on the news very often, this type of prejudice mentality affects the people who sacrifice is a legal alien who work hard to build a better life for their relatives. By the other hand, is a fact that many illicit negotiators well known as coyotes make a living encouraging people to take the risk and spend lost of money, this same people normally are in debt to make this dangerous journeys. Many people will criticize and said why they spend this money trying to get in the United States instead of using it to create their own businesses. Sadly many third world countries economies are bad, and there is a very competitive market that put out of business the micro industries. United States have a quota of legal immigrants per year and the government is working hard to be more flexible and also intensify the legal control in the borders, and the American Dream must stop being the Americans Nightmare for the sake of humanity and equity of rights.


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Hello i will love to know what it is in your mind, do you agree or disagree with my posts. Is all a learning process for me, all comments are more than welcome. Have Blessed Day