Sunday, August 1, 2010

What is worth arguing about?

Ramage in chapter one of Writing Argument speak about Argument is Not Pro-Con Debate. He said that “Argument entails a desire for truth seeking, not necessarily Truth with capital T but truth as a desire to find the best solutions to complex problems." We might be very touchy about the topic we are defending or criticizing, is almost impossible just pass by without been noticed. This is why I need to be prepared for the opposite point of view. Is very important understand that this truth varies from the individuals who argues and defend a personal thesis by putting on front what they are thinking to see the audience reactions that would generate new ideas or question to find a universal agreement or that precious Truth. I like to talk, discuss, discover other people ideas, I might learn from them, maybe they will learn something from me. Arguing is worth it as the book said "Argument is Both a Process and a Product."


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Hello i will love to know what it is in your mind, do you agree or disagree with my posts. Is all a learning process for me, all comments are more than welcome. Have Blessed Day