Saturday, August 21, 2010

"Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt." Image and Essay Review.

Our instructor has request to review, read and annotate any image of the Essay from the Anthology Rereading America: Cultural Context for Critical Thinking and Writing. This is one lesson I have enjoyed the must until my first love; Advertising and Marketing become under the microscope when the persuasion shift to perversion.
Jean Kilbourne have compile and argue about how sexuality is used as the best shot to increase sales and clientele. First the devaluation of the dignity and the permissive violence toward women is simply disgusting.
Second, a societal right of men over women that turn female population responsible from all bad, dirty, and nasty things even get killed because we are or we want to be (as I will say) daredevils.
Third, no matter our age we still been the instigators of sexual harassment, child molesting, and even rape; a pathetic thinking but a cruel reality.
Oh how sad is to see brilliant minds hungry for fame and money go for the easy idea just because the audience like it! For example, from the images of this essay all are repulsive sweet talking with romance, fun, and sensuality; however, we can put them in scales of offensiveness based in the content, implicit message, and visual connotation.
In page 418, my first disappointment is an advertisement where the elements show a messy bed, with three ties, one rose on the white bedding and some sort of feminine bag to the right side of the bed. Next the label said is ok to go adventurous and do whatever it takes just to have some pleasure for one night. At first, my annotations were: "This promotes sugar talking and trickery to get sexual reward, also give to men the right to lie to women as some type of nice strategy to achieve an one night stand"... Now that I review the image is suggesting that an orgy is just fun. Why? Three ties from three men, and only one feminine bag, plus the legend of the advertising itself , one more time "The right Lie can make even the most casual evening more memorable."
This is just a piece of this disastrous art, why the talent of illustrators, photographers, creative writers, and marketing savvies just sale their soul to the devil that in this case is money making and prestige.
We are grown up, our mature mentality can handle these subliminal messages but what about our youngsters, we are creating a manual of how to be a pervert, how to get what we want from the opposite sex where no is just the first step of a nice cruel adventure until a successful forceful intimacy occurs. Gender wise is also a competition of who is the dominant sex.
Who is responsible for this huge mess, we might never know. Hopefully, we can find a way to do things right, no man or woman have the right to deceive, abuse or mistreat the opposite gender. My humble but raw opinion is not trying to offend no one. This is just my trail of thought concerning something I live and learn in my past. I study Advertising and Marketing, I am a natural illustrator, a creative writer, an intermediate graphic designer. I have worked in the field back home in small but successful Advertising Companies and I never saw things like I see it now. I guess is time to wake up and do my best to be an open minded role model.
Sometimes a feeling of being in the wrong era or the wrong planet posses me, I just don't get it, and is nothing that I can do to change the rest of the world perception of things but I can do something else, teach my own children and the ones I borrow at my work (as a Early Intervention Teacher) that is something called dignity, respect, and morality. I am not an angel but I do have feelings and love for humanity; I will hate to see my little girl or boy or my other little ones become the Target or oppressors of this malevolent generation where sex is the best way to enjoy, survive, and experiment life.


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Hello i will love to know what it is in your mind, do you agree or disagree with my posts. Is all a learning process for me, all comments are more than welcome. Have Blessed Day