Friday, August 6, 2010

What have you learned about the textbooks we are using for this course?

I used to read a lot when I was in High School; I have read research essays, poetry, and prose. I also enjoy composing the same genres I loved to read, but other things changed in my life that took me away from this my first love. Now reading in a non-native language is even more fascinating for me, I have my dictionary handy or use some online software to learn the pronunciation; however, sometimes is hard to think in English while composing my writing work. Writing Arguments to me is like comparing old knowledge of what I loved to do in my teenager years, Re reading America is a new flavor full of the richness of American Culture and vocabulary, and finally A Writer’s Reference becomes my best friend because refresh my knowledge and add some other concepts that I do not remember or maybe I did not learn before.


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Hello i will love to know what it is in your mind, do you agree or disagree with my posts. Is all a learning process for me, all comments are more than welcome. Have Blessed Day