Monday, August 2, 2010

Is Academic Writing difficult just for ESL student or is also hard for a native English speaker too?

Our instructor request us to write a question about any writing problem I think other students might also be experiencing, so I choose to ask about how hard is for a native speaker to write an appropriate formal document.
English is my Secondary Language. It is my joy and everyday challenge to interact and exchange with my classmates and coworkers criteria’s or new ideas that will build up knowledge for all of us. There are many things like grammar, sentences structure, verb tenses, etc. We use an informal style while conversing, but it is important to learn how to communicate effectively on paper. My goal is that everybody understands what is there to be shared. So the question goes back and forth in my head, and I wonder if it is hard for native English writers too? I will love to hear some opinions about this question.


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Hello i will love to know what it is in your mind, do you agree or disagree with my posts. Is all a learning process for me, all comments are more than welcome. Have Blessed Day